Social Integration
Through City Adventure
"Kaupunki Kaverit" (City Friends) is an ongoing project whose core idea is to enable integration through city adventures.
The initiative promotes active engagement and a sense of belonging, helping immigrant families to integrate more effectively into the local community.
Key Objectives
Foster Community Bonds:
Create strong connections between families that arrived recently and local families through collaborative and engaging activities, enhancing mutual understanding and support.
Enhance Cultural Integration:
Provide opportunities for immigrant families to learn about and participate in local culture and traditions, thereby facilitating smoother integration into the community.
Key Activities
Urban Adventure Events:
We organize 2-4 hour events where families participate in team-based city adventures. These events include solving puzzles, exploring significant landmarks, and engaging in activities that promote teamwork and cultural exchange. Volunteers coordinate, plan, and facilitate these events, ensuring they run smoothly and are enjoyable for all participants.
Themed Exploration Activities:
Each event features different themes and takes place in various parts of the city, often in collaboration with local organizations. This allows families to gain diverse experiences and deeper insights into the local culture and community services. Volunteers help design the themes, set up the exploration activities, and guide the participants throughout the event.
We will announce upcoming city adventures in our news and on this page.
Interested to contribute? Email: hello@houseofhelsinki.fi